Last week Alex came here by car. After some adventures on the road (like 4,5 hr stuck in stau or snow storm close to Hannover) he got here around 23.30. And then it took him "just" 35 min to find a parking spot fot the car. This is insane!!
Anyway, now it is not only a challenge to park my Bubbla but also Alex's Golf.
On Friday we went with Pedro and Paula and Txell and Thomas to one club with funk, soul, etc. The party was fun! Until some drunk Brittish guys started loosing balance and were spilling their vodka&red bull all over...
Then on Saturday we were sitting outside in the sun, having fika with Guillem and little Nadia. Soooo nice!! In the evening there was an IKEA trip and then we were exhausted....
Sunday - meeting Monica and also Guillem (that was unplanned). Eimsbuttel is a really small place ;-)
In the evening we saw W. Anderson "Darjeeling Limited" - I recommend this one!!!
The week has started. Rain again. Crap!
The weekend is gonna be in Berlin. Alex will party with the guys here in HH.
Oh yeah. This picture shows how "fresh" Handan, Cyril and I are in the mornings before driving to work.
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