torsdag 28 juli 2011


FINALLYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! We are back in Göteborg!!! Well, for a bit more than 1 month now...
Anyway, we left Hamburg on the 21st June. I must say that I dropped a tear or two when we were driving out of the city....It's been almost 4 years so I guess one gets used to certain things.
I drove almost the whole way since Alex was super tired and slept most of the time. We swapped somewhere in Skåne.
The day after got the keys to our flat. Then meeting the moving company and starting to move in. The whole

A trip to Ikea during the weekend.

A trip to several furniture stores to get a kitchen table, chairs, couch etc....


After one month we've got pretty much all in place.
OK, besides a few lamps, fan above the stove and so on.

Life is fine. Although of course there are some things, small ones, which I or Alex miss. Well I guess he misses A LOT his Volkspark with bike park. Damn it! I promised him hills and a lot of downhill tracks around GBG and so far...hmmm not much. We need to find something!

I miss actually Budnikowsky - I know I know...some time ago I would say that I would never miss anything from Germany. But still...this shop had everything! Incl. Bio veggie spreads for Alex...

I miss some stuff from the fitness place in HH. Not much, just some of these cool cross training machines.

And of course I miss HH friends!!!! We need to meet soon!!!!

But of course I'm happy to be home in GBG, with my friends, nature etc.

I'm not sure how often and if at all I would continue with this blog.
We will see how many adventures we will experience now.

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