Anyway we had really fun, as usual too much food and drinks (so we need to organize another party ;-)
Miguel came for one day to our company so it was fun to get some updates from him at the party. We also had Thomas there - too bad Txell couldn't be with us.
Alex and Thomas:
Our pumpkin that Alex made:
Playing beer pong:
Skype with Melody late at night (at our place):
The weekend was quite calm. But I managed to get some fall shoes and also color my hair so something achieved :)
On Sunday we had a very long brunch at some Swedish/German couple's place. It was nice and cozy. And good to be inside when the weather was so crappy...
The whole week was fine although a bit difficult to handle time change - dark dark dark, and lots of rain the whole week. Sooo bad! Hope we can have some sun this weekend.
Tomorrow we may go to WEFUNK radio party in Schanze (depending on the moods); otherwise taking it easy I guess. Maybe a bit of biking as well.
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