The reason was good - Marcus Berg - a football player from IFK GBG plays now for HSV. So with some help of work colleagues I got the tickets and we all went to the game on Saturday. The game sucked, especially when compared with another game Barca-Valencia on TV the same night.
Anyway, Petra, Magnus, Fredrik and Tommy came on Sat before noon. After some coffee we went downtown and strawled around. Had some lunch, did a bit of window shopping; then home, eat burritos and go to the game. Together with some other 70.000 people!
After the game we went together with Guillem and Dennis to see that Barca game in the usual bar.
When we got home, we realized that we needed to pump the matraces. The big one we fixed in the cellar. It was fun to get it in the elevator together with Fredrik, Alex and me.
The problem was that this matrace was loosing air so Magnus had to pump in at 4 AM!!! I think he woke up half of the building ;-)
Sunday - I woke up at 9, while the others at 10.30!!! We had late breakfast and then again went to the city. We went to Landungsbrucke and then walked along Elbe. The day was so beautiful!!!
We had some coffee at the "Coffee roasting café", then walked to St. Nicolas church remainings, had lunch at Gröninger with their good beer, and we finished with a walk at Alster. Then got some local döner for dinner at home.
The weekend passed fast but it was so much fun! Tack att ni kom!!
Today Alex changed the tryes in my car so I'm ready for winter (NOT!!!). Hope this week will pass fast. On Sunday Miguel is coming (our crazy Mexican friend from our company) so looking forward that!