Last week we got to know at work that now each department would get 50 pcs garbage plastic bags. We stopped getting them when the crisis started. So now there is a sign that the crisis is over! ;-) Whoohoo!!!
Apart from that, on Friday we went with some friends to my work colleague's band concert. Somewhere out in the... OK, it was in Harburg so at least we saw the district on the other side of Elbe. The concert was ok, some funk, jazz, pop fusion.

Afterwards we went home with Monica and Kazuhiro. It was Monica's birthday with Monica's cake. Sooooo yummi!!!

The weekend was calm. We watched a Kusturica movie together with Guillem on Sat. "Jagoda in a Supermarket" - watch it if you like his movies.
Today we had fika with our neighbors. The lady can speak Swedish cause she lived and studied 4 years in Göteborg. Puh!! Nice to speak Swedish instead of German :-D